Ha már Andy sajtótájos humoráról volt szó.
2007. Ausztrál Open. Andy mesésen játszott a tornán, és mindenki azt mondta, élete fromájában legyőzheti Rogert az elődöntőben. Roger aztán felmosta vele a Rod Lavert, már-már megalázó volt. Utána Andy ezt a sajtótájékoztatót bírta alkotni:
Q. What was it like for you just being there at the end of that?
ANDY RODDICK: It was frustrating. You know, it was miserable. It sucked. It was terrible. Besides that, it was fine.
Q. What did Jimmy say to you straight after the game?
ANDY RODDICK: He gave me a beer.
Q. Can you just take us from 4‑All on. Up to 4‑4, you're in the match. Then you got broken.
ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I got broken. Then I got broken three more times. Then I got broken two more times in the third set. Then it was over 26 minutes later. Is that what you saw, too?
ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, there's a lot of strategy talk. It's not so much like, If you're down 6‑4, 6‑0, 2‑0. We didn't really talk about that. Oops.